15L Mineral Pot 7 Stages Filtration System - KOREA KING

7 Step Filtration

Step 1: Ceramic Filter removes all harmful and unnecessary substances of any from such iron ,rust, sediment, floats and germ etc’s

Step 2: Activated Crabon removes chlorine, THMs, organic chemical and unpleasant odor and colors resulting in pure, crystal-clear mineral water.

Step 3: Zeolite removing bacteria, virus, heavy metals, detergents, harmful chemical such as de solvate, phenol, agriculture chemicals

Step 4: Silica sand removing acidic components from the water and thereby bring about a pH balance

Step 5: Mineral sand release minerals adjust pH of water to mild alkaline to restore the pH balance of body fluids

Step 6: Mineral stone are minned between 330 and 600 meters from sea level on an unpolluted resources. The mineral stone contain Germanium which promote health and prevent cancer. Germanium also absorbs heavy metal, toxins, odor and impurities, they continuosly release more than kinds of ionized minerals for 5 years. gradually depleting in size. The highly porous mineral stone aid in the oxygenation of water and in the adjustment of the water to mild alkaline.

Step 7: Water tap with magnetized is fitted with magnet inline with the latest in water technology. Magnetized water has free moving molecule just like mineral spring water. This promotes health and vitally and imparts many therapautic properties